BBC Numbers (whole numbers; measures, shape and space; fractions, decimals, & percentages; handling data)
BGFL Math Learning Resources
Count On - select games, explorer, or maths magnet
Count Us In - select basic number concept
Cut the Knot Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Visual Illusions, Social Science, Fractals, Logic, Probability, Fallacies, Calculus, Combinatorial Games, Analog Devices, Mathematical Droodles, Computer Math Magic
Dare to Compare - grades 4, 8, 12; compare your scores to others nationally or around the world; select subject and grade level
Department of the Treasury - interactives and games about money
Dositey - K-8; select grade level, then math
Education4Kids Math Practice - select from top tabs
Eyeballing Game - "The game works by showing you a series of geometries that need to be adjusted a little bit to make them right.
Fact Monster Math - numbers, measurement, money, fractions, tables, formulas, more
FunSchool Math Games - Scroll down
Gamequarium - K-6
Kids' Math Games - calendars, fractions, patterns, calculators, add/subtract, money, graphing, geometry, multiplication, counting, math spelling, time, more
Learning Box - Base 10 Activities
Kids' Zone - math brain teasers; also select past brain teasers
Math Facts Cafe - grades 1-4 math flashcards
Math Sites (tangrams, numberlines, time, calculators, geoboards, odd and even, addition, subtraction, greater than/less than, shapes)
Mathionaire - Who Wants to be a Millionaire with math questions
MegaPenny Project - Wow!
MultiFlyer - multiplication practice
Multiplication Hidden Pictures - good practice
Online Conversion
Open-Ended Math Problems from the Franklin Institute - middle school
Primary Resources - select activity; legend at bottom of page reflects file type and age group
Step-by-Step Word Problems from Thinkquest
The ArithmAttack - addition, subtraction, division, multiplication
Timez Attack - (choose FREE Base Version)
Topmarks (select maths and select a level)
Tumbletown Tales - 7 Interactives
US Mint - interactive games, coin news, mint history, tour of the mint, lesson plans, financial literacy
Virtual Manipulatives - choose grade level
Woodlands Junior High School Maths Zone - number skills, space and shape skills, data and probability, measure skills, math investigations